Facts from the film

Key findings from World Without Cows

A quick summary of the lessons learned during our global journey of exploration


Key findings from World Without Cows

A quick summary of the lessons learned during our global journey of exploration

Through conversations with experts in environmental and agricultural science, former journalists Michelle Michael and Brandon Whitworth examined the cultural, economic, nutritional and environmental impact of cows around the world — and the possible repercussions of their absence. 

In their search for the facts behind often-oversimplified debates, Michelle and Brandon discovered that while cows account for 5–7% of global greenhouse gas emissions (according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), they also: 

  • Help keep soil healthy and support biodiversity on grazing lands  
  • Turn waste we can’t eat into the nutrient-dense food we need (a process known as upcycling) 

The science behind the story of World Without Cows is critical to sparking meaningful discussions that drive real change — and benefit — for all.  

Together, we can consider what is truly at stake when we ask: Are we better off in a world without cows? 

Download our one-page key findings document and check out our World Without Cows Resource Wiki.

Discover the findings below

Have a valuable resource to share? Submit a link to info@worldwithoutcows.com —let’s grow this conversation together!
World Without Cows is a Planet of Plenty® production. Working Together for a Planet of Plenty was launched in 2019 by Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, a global animal nutrition company. Planet of Plenty is a call for collaboration across industries and geographies to create and embrace science-based solutions that help agriculture provide nutrition for all, revitalize rural communities and replenish the planet’s natural resources.

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As climate change intensifies and the world’s population continues to grow, the pressure on our global food production system mounts. You can play an active role in shaping a more sustainable planet for future generations. Fill out the form below to learn more about how you can partner with us.